Community Involvement
Children’s Advocacy Center of South East Indiana

The Children’s Advocacy Center of SEI was created to aid in the investigation, detection, treatment, and prevention of child abuse. This center conducts forensic interviews in a child-focused and safe environment which reduces the number of times a child has to tell their story from 8 times to just 1. The Children’s Advocacy Center cannot do it alone and they operate strictly on donations and fundraising events. Every child that enters into the center is assigned a specially trained forensic interviewer and a child and family advocate and is given referrals for medical examinations and counseling services, as well as any other assistance the family may need, all at no cost. Unfortunately, there will always be a need for the Children’s Advocacy Center of SEI in our community.
If you wish to join us in supporting this cause and help the victims of child abuse, we are asking that you consider providing a financial donation if you have the means. Ken Neyer Plumbing supported the Children’s Advocacy Center of SEI with a $2500 donation to the organization. If you are unable to financially support the center, the act of spreading awareness is greatly appreciated.
Financial donations can be made at by clicking the green donate button in the top right of the screen, or can be mailed to Children’s Advocacy Center of Southeastern Indiana, 12211 Rullman Drive, Dillsboro, IN 47018.
Quality of Life+

One of our core values at Ken Neyer Plumbing is caring for others. Consistent with that core value are our efforts to support good causes and help those in need. We are partnering with a nonprofit organization, Quality of Life + to help raise money for the organization and spread awareness of the great work that they do. The mission of QL+ is "to foster and generate innovations that aid and improve the quality of life for those who have served our country." QL+ accomplishes this by identifying needs of disabled veterans and partnering with student engineering teams at one of their partner universities to design and produce new and creative engineering solutions such as prosthetic devices or other assistive technologies that aren’t currently available in the medical field

You can learn more about QL+ by visiting their website