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Ken Neyer Plumbing, Inc. Blog

What Exactly Is Trenchless Technology?

One of the big advantages that we offer to our customers is trenchless technology to help them with repairs and replacements for sewer lines. When a sewer line develops a problem from breaks, leaks, and age, it’s usually difficult to fix because the sewer line is buried in a trench a few feet below your property. The standard method of repairing or replacing a sewer line is to use excavation equipment to dig down to reach the pipe. This often requires more than a day of labor and creates a mess across the property. But trenchless technology gives our plumbers the ability to handle a repair or replacement in only a few hours—and with almost no digging!

How Does This Work?

Trenchless technology is a type of “lateral boring,” where hydraulic machinery draws a pipeliner through the ends of the sewer line. This technology was first developed for mining, then later become common in civic engineering because it meant that instead of ripping up streets to reach pipes, the plumbers could approach the pipes laterally.

The procedure for repairing or replacing a sewer line with trenchless technology requires digging only two small holes to access the ends of the pipeline. The plumbers insert a pipeliner into one end of the sewer line, then attach a hydraulic machine to the other end. This machine draws the pipliner through the sewer line and sets it into place. A device called a “pipe burster” is then drawn through the sewer line by a chain. The burster expands the pipeliner, causing it to shatter the older pipe around it and replace it. The plumbers only have to reconnect the pipe at both ends and fill in the holes… and the job is done!

Ken Neyer Plumbing, Inc. provides trenchless sewer line repair and replacement in Milford, OH and the Greater Cincinnati Area. Call us whenever you have difficulties with your sewer line.

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