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Ken Neyer Plumbing, Inc. Blog

2 Important New Year’s Resolutions for Your Plumbing

It’s time once more for people to trot out their resolutions for the coming year. These can always be stressful, because we wonder if we’ll be able to follow up on that promise to run a 10k or finally read that copy of War and Peace. But not all resolutions need to be so difficult: you can make a few regarding caring for your home that are easy to achieve, since you only need to call on the right professionals to take care of it.

For example, we have two resolutions you should consider for next year. In fact, why not next month? January is often a great time to arrange for service.

Resolution 1: Schedule a complete drain cleaning

Drain cleaning is often thought of as something that you only need to do when there’s a massive clog in a sink that won’t respond to a plunger. You should definitely call for drain cleaning when you have a problem like that. But professional cleaning is something you should also look at as a preventive measure, done on a yearly basis.

Our plumbers are skilled with drain cleaning services and they use the finest equipment available to provide a thorough job. Once we’re done, your drainpipes will have most of the build-up inside them removed, which will make it much more difficult for clogging to start again. Life in your home will be much easier.

Resolution 2: Arrange for water testing

What’s actually in the fresh water that comes from your taps? There could be numerous impurities that seeped into it through the ground water, such as mercury, phosphates, hard water minerals, and pesticides. Our professional water testing will identify what particles are in your water and provide a complete report. You can use this information to help you select the right type of water treatment system to purify and condition your water. Your household and the plumbing will be much healthier as a result.

Ken Neyer Plumbing, Inc. offers drain cleaning, water testing, and many other plumbing services. Call us in Cincinnati, OH today.

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