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Ken Neyer Plumbing, Inc. Blog

Avoid Major Problems With Your Spring DIY Project

Springtime is the best time to start working on those projects that have been on hold. Seriously, there’s no time better than now to start planting the seeds in your garden, building that fence, and even spreading the gravel for the firepit that you’re excited to use. Soon temperatures will be hot, and you’ll be grasping at every excuse to stay outdoors and enjoy the other areas of your property.

However, there are some important things you should think about before you start excavating your property and preparing your home projects. Remember, there are things located underneath your property that you should be very well aware of. In the worst case, you could strike a water line or your sewer line and require trenchless sewer line services in Cincinnati, OH!

Don’t worry, regardless of your situation, we can help.

Call 8-11 Dig First

8-11 Dig is a nationwide service that allows homeowners to call and schedule an appointment at any time of the year. Your utility companies then have to go to your property within 48 hours and mark where any service lines are. That includes gas, electric, internet, and yes–water and sewer!

This is an invaluable tool, mainly because it’s free, but also because it helps you prevent any problems you might run into down the line. Believe us when we say that striking a water line or a sewer line is a problem you are so much better off avoiding.

This step is simple and effective, but you can also talk to your local municipality or the experts on our team for the next steps you might need to take before you strike the earth.

Mark Your Property With Biodegradable Spray Paint

Have you ever seen the kind of paint that’s used on a baseball field, or when service companies are marking areas where they’ll start excavation? This is a specific type of spray paint that’s available at your local hardware store, and it can be invaluable when you’re trying to avoid water or sewer lines for your next project.

If you’re building a fence or a garden, why not use a measured material to mark out the posts or lines early so that you know exactly where you’ll be digging. This will help tremendously when you’re trying to avoid specific areas of your property.

Call Our Team ASAP If You Strike Anything

If you do manage to strike a sewer line or main water line, don’t panic. This kind of thing happens quite often, and our team can help you. The first thing you’ll want to do is activate your home’s water shut-off valve. This will ensure that if you struck a water line, your home won’t draw anymore of it, no matter what your appliances try to do.

Once this is done, we urge you to back away from the project and call our team. We have experienced plumbing professionals, heavy-duty equipment, and training that’s designed for this specific type of situation.

For expert sewer services you can count on, call Ken Neyer Plumbing, Inc.

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