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Ken Neyer Plumbing, Inc. Blog

What Can We Do for Your Sink?

Sinks are a necessary part of our home plumbing. To be honest, they’re one of the most important home plumbing appliances in existence, considering how much we use them on a day-to-day basis. From powder room sinks that are just used to wash your hands, to your kitchen sink which goes through thousands of pounds of fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, and other ingredients used for cooking, if there’s one appliance that we can’t live without, it’s a sink.

Now, you might think that a plumber should only be called if your sink is leaking or clogged, but that’s not really the case. When it comes to sink plumbing in Cleves, OH, we can replace an old sink, find new systems to ease the use of your sink, and even help keep the sink sealed and bolted down so that mold won’t grow.

Replacing an Old Sink Affordably

Look, for many homeowners, it’s not hard to tell that your sink is outdated. Perhaps you’re trying to renovate your kitchen and the look of your sink screams “1980s.” Or, maybe your sink just doesn’t work like it used to and you’d rather have a newer model that actually works as intended.

Well, the good news is that a plumber is an amazing resource to utilize when planning this. We can not only evaluate your sink to get you a good deal on installation, but we can also point you in the right direction for a replacement model.

Some sink manufacturers have a lifetime guarantee on their products, so when it stops working, we can actually try to get you a new one that’s affordable. Since we’re licensed plumbers, we run into this kind of issue a lot so we can help you find out how to get your sink replaced or at least evaluated.

Installing a New System: Like a Garbage Disposal!

Older sinks will benefit from the installation of a new system to help them run better. If there’s nothing wrong with your sink, but you’re still unhappy with it, then maybe we can set you up with a garbage disposal system.

These systems grind up food waste so that they’re easily processed through your plumbing and sent to a wastewater treatment plant. This will make your life easier and bring your sink into the 21st century.

Securing Your Sink Can Help

Sometimes, the best way to improve a sink isn’t by replacing or repairing it, but by making adjustments that help your home in the long run. For instance, sinks need to be securely fastened to your counter in a way that is airtight. If not, water could leak out and enter areas that are dark, damp, and the perfect place for mold to grow.

If you’re starting to notice dark corners around your sink, or you’re seeing water bubble out from under the sink itself, then you might have an unsecured sink that needs to be properly bolted down. This is an adjustment that can go a long way for your home’s health, as well as the health of you and your family.

Let Ken Neyer Plumbing, Inc. be a resource for your next plumbing job. Contact us today!

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