Ken Neyer Plumbing, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Water Treatment Systems’ Category

What Water Testing Can Tell You about Your Home’s Water

Tuesday, April 11th, 2017

People today are more concerned than ever about contaminants in the water that enters their homes. And they have good reason to be cautious in this regard: lead in drinking water is often a serious problem, even with the best reduction efforts under 1986 and 1996 regulatory requirements. We’ve previously looked into the issue of lead in your drinking water and the dangers it poses. It’s one of the main reasons we strongly recommend all homeowners arrange to have professionals test their water and find what water treatment systems will help.

Water testing, however, is broader than hunting for lead only. When you schedule professional water testing in Cincinnati, OH with our team, you’ll receive a complete rundown on all the contaminants in your water supply that can pose problems for household health and the plumbing system.

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5 Benefits of Water Softeners

Monday, February 6th, 2017

golden-water-faucet“Hard water.” It’s a strange phrase when you first hear it. Isn’t hard water called ice? No, hard water is a condition where water has a high amount of dissolved calcium and magnesium in it. This isn’t something to worry about when it comes to health. But it does has other effects throughout a home that can damage the plumbing and appliances.

If you have noticed a film or residue on your hands after using soap, then that’s a sign of hard water. What’s happening is that the soap is reacting to the calcium in the hard water and creating soap scum. You’ll also notice this soap scum on glass and porcelain surfaces. Hard water usually enters the water supply through municipal pipes, and it’s common in urban areas.

Don’t ignore hard water signs: it needs to be corrected, and the way to do it is to call on expert plumbers who offer water treatment services. They can attach a whole-house water softener to your plumbing that will eliminate the hard water problems.

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When to Schedule Water Testing

Monday, January 9th, 2017

We recently wrote about the issue of lead in drinking water and what you can do about it. The first step is arranging for professionals—like ours—to test your water. This provides you with the vital information necessary to start improving the water with treatment systems, such as water softeners and reverse osmosis filters.

However, you may not know if your home needs this important testing. When should you have it scheduled? We have advice below:

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Getting Rid of Lead in Your Drinking Water

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

Concern about the quality of drinking water is rising in homes—that’s probably why you’re reading our post. Lead is one of the main concerns, and for some pretty good reasons. If there is excess lead in your drinking water, you’ll want to find solutions. We’re here to give you useful information on lead in residential water and what can be done about it.

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What Is a Reverse Osmosis System? And Should You Get One?

Tuesday, October 25th, 2016

When you want better quality water in your house, there are a few different options available for installing whole-house water treatment systems. Water filters and various types of water purifiers are the most common types, but it’s vital that you depend on a professional to find what exact kind of treatment system will do the job you need: there is no such thing as a universal water treatment system that targets all types of contamination.

One of the choices for water treatment available to you is a reverse osmosis system. This is an extremely powerful way to remove pollutants from water that works through a natural process.

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Some Excellent Options for Water Treatment in Your Home

Monday, October 3rd, 2016

Homeowners are more concerned than ever with the quality of the water that enters their plumbing. Even with the best municipal water treatment plants removing harmful chemicals from the water, contaminants such as heavy metals, minerals, and pesticides can enter freshwater pipes through ground water seepage. The water that comes in your home could be filled with unwanted pollutants that create health problems for your family and issues for the plumbing.

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Is Hard Water a Serious Problem?

Monday, August 29th, 2016

Hard water. A strange phrase, but one you hear more and more often regarding the water quality in homes. Hard water means water that has a higher than normal mineral content. The usual mineral culprits in hard water are magnesium and calcium. These minerals tend to enter the water supply through ground seepage into municipal pipes that carry fresh water to homes.

The big question: Is this a problem?

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Some Signs That You Have Hard Water

Monday, June 6th, 2016

Hard water isn’t something you want in your home: it means that the water flowing into the plumbing system from the municipal supply contains a higher than normal mineral content, usually magnesium, gypsum, and calcium. This isn’t actually harmful for people to drink, although it may not taste very good. The real problem with hard water is what it does to the plumbing in the house, not the people. The high mineral content leaves deposits on the inside of pipes, lowering available volume and leading to high water pressure, leaks, and eventual pipe replacement. Hard water can also cause damage to many appliances—water heaters are the most at risk—and lead to clogged faucets and showerheads.

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