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Ken Neyer Plumbing, Inc. Blog

How Much Water Does a Leaky Faucet Waste?

A leaky faucet is never a good sign. Not only is it annoying, it’s also a sign of a problem that will only grow worse, costing you money on your water bill. Additionally, a leaky faucet wastes a good amount of water, putting unnecessary stress on the environment. Though a small leak may not seem like much, when you add it up over a period of time, a leaky faucet can be detrimental. But how much water does a leaky faucet actually waste?

Drip Calculator

According to the EPA’s WaterSense site, the average household’s leaky faucets can account for over 10,000 gallons of water wasted every year! This equates to the amount of water needed to wash 270 loads of laundry. To determine how much water your leaky faucet wastes, the American Water Works Association developed a drip calculator. To use it, record the number of drips your faucet has per minute and put that amount into the calculator.

So, if your faucet were dripping each second, you would waste 8.64 gallons of water a day. If you waited a month to have the drip repaired, you then would have wasted 259.2 gallons of water. That’s one leaky faucet! Just imagine if every faucet in your home was dripping.

The price of a leaky faucet may not seem like much to you, but as time passes, it can certainly add up to serious dollars if it’s not taken care of. As the leak gets bigger, it can increase the cost of repairs or even potentially create new leaks. It’s vital to take action now and cut down on both the environmental impact you have as well as your water bill.

For drain repair services in Cincinnati, OH, contact Ken Neyer Plumbing today!

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