Ken Neyer Plumbing, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Plumbing’ Category

Turn Away Those Chemical Drain Cleaners

Monday, June 20th, 2022

It’s been a while since we’ve done our PSA on chemical drain cleaners, so we figured we’d update our blog readers on new findings and some reminders about why these chemicals are so bad for your plumbing system. After all, they’re still being purchased at grocery stores all throughout our area, so someone must think they’re a good idea.

If you’ve got a clogged drain in Hamilton, OH, it can sometimes come up at the most inopportune moment. You might be stressed from a day at work, or you might need to go to a school event for one of your kids and you just don’t have time to plunge a drain for an hour. Chemicals seem like a simple solution to rid the problem overnight while you do other things, right?

Well, not exactly. Chemical drain cleaners often do more harm than good, as we’ll get into down below.

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A New Homeowner’s Guide to Plumbing Problems

Monday, June 6th, 2022

So you’ve just bought a new home and your problems of being a “renter” are over! Congratulations! We first want to start by saying that not everyone gets to enjoy this kind of achievement in their life, and with the shape the economy is in, it’s a huge success that you should be proud of. Regardless of what shape your house is in, you’ve made an important decision and now it’s time to put the nose to the grindstone!

New homes can often be a jungle of plumbing problems. Especially with homes that are old, (and in this area, they can be hundreds of years old) you could have plumbing components that are from different decades or centuries.

So, fret not! We’re going to go over some great tips for new homeowners to analyze your plumbing system and get things back on track. This won’t replace a home inspection (which you should invest in anyways) but it can help steer you towards professional plumbing services in Cincinnati offered by our team.

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Add a Mesh Screen to Your Plumbing Arsenal

Monday, May 23rd, 2022

A lot of plumbing work has to do with having the right tool for the job. Not every sink is going to be the right fit for a plunger or a drain snake when a clog has formed, but there’s one tool that’s pretty much universal in the way it fits and the job it does. We’re talking about the mesh screen, or drain screen, and this tool is one that we implore every customer in our area to start using.

The summer is almost here, which means our gardens are starting to fill up with fresh yummy produce that’s going to make for an amazing afternoon snack. Unfortunately, if even just a few of those peels or skins fall into your drain, you might end up needing professional drain cleaning in Hamilton, OH. With the help of a mesh screen, however, you can wash your produce easily and simply without a care in the world knowing that your drain is protected.

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The Dos and Don’ts of a Garbage Disposal

Monday, May 9th, 2022

Garbage disposal systems hold an interesting place in our culture and media. They’re marketed as a wonderful solution to food waste that ends up in the sink, but the truth is that many customers think they can put a lot more in their garbage disposal than they should. While putting bones and shards of glass from a broken bottle down the garbage disposal might sound like a cool idea, in practice it can lead to some awful results that you’ll probably end up paying for.

So, this is going to be more of a PSA blog post about how to treat your garbage disposal in Cincinnati right. Remember, there’s nothing wrong with putting something in the regular garbage if you’re unsure as to whether it can go down the garbage disposal or not. Leave the garbage disposal for the softer food waste and skins or peels that can easily come apart.

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Avoid Major Problems With Your Spring DIY Project

Monday, April 11th, 2022

Springtime is the best time to start working on those projects that have been on hold. Seriously, there’s no time better than now to start planting the seeds in your garden, building that fence, and even spreading the gravel for the firepit that you’re excited to use. Soon temperatures will be hot, and you’ll be grasping at every excuse to stay outdoors and enjoy the other areas of your property.

However, there are some important things you should think about before you start excavating your property and preparing your home projects. Remember, there are things located underneath your property that you should be very well aware of. In the worst case, you could strike a water line or your sewer line and require trenchless sewer line services in Cincinnati, OH!

Don’t worry, regardless of your situation, we can help.

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PVC Is a Great Option for Water Lines

Monday, February 28th, 2022

One thing that plumbers throughout the country can all agree on is that PVC works exceptionally well. While homeowners might not like the aesthetics of PVC as much as galvanized steel or copper, they quickly change their minds when they see the long-term effects and the price tag. The truth is that PVC is becoming more popular and apparent in homes throughout the country, and our area is no exception!

Today, we’d like to inform our readers about this material in regards to site utilities in Hamilton, OH. Regardless of whether you’re getting new excavation done for new pipelines, or you’re just replacing your old water line pipes, PVC is an excellent option that can help transfer clean water into your home.

Let’s talk about why PVC is becoming more common in homes and what exactly you get when you pay for this kind of pipe installation.

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Plumbing Maintenance Is Always a Smart Move

Monday, February 14th, 2022

Plumbing maintenance is a great way to deal with your clogged drain in Hamilton, OH before it happens. Sometimes it’s necessary to approach clogged drains as an eventuality, something that you can’t really stop without professional help. No matter how many times you plunge your drains or use a drain snake, you’ll never quite be able to alleviate all of the contaminants that are solidifying in your drain.

We’re not trying to tell homeowners that their DIY fixes aren’t warranted, they absolutely are. But what we will say is that DIY solutions to clogged drains is only delaying the inevitable. Your drain will clog someday, so why not invest in our maintenance services to nip this in the bud?

Today, let’s discuss why plumbing maintenance is such a smart move and how it’s going to help alleviate your problems in the future.

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Why DIY Plumbing Work Isn’t the Best Idea

Monday, January 3rd, 2022

There’s always an evaluation that goes on in your head when you encounter a plumbing problem. How complicated is it, and is it something I can just quickly fix myself?

We make the same kind of evaluation but the answer is always going to be yes, that we can fix it ourselves. As licensed plumbers in Cincinnati, OH, we have the necessary tools, training, and expertise to master any plumbing problem—but it’s more than the tools and training. We know how to approach every problem so that the rest of your home and plumbing system stay safe and secure.

Today, we’d like to talk about the biggest reason why we’d like to steer homeowners away from trying to do plumbing work themselves. For homeowners and property owners alike, this should always be at the forefront of your mind when taking on a plumbing job. Plumbing work is very complex.

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What’s Wrong With Your Toilet?

Monday, December 6th, 2021

If you’re frustratingly telling your computer exactly what’s wrong with your toilet right now, we understand. You probably have a pretty good idea of what’s the matter, but the big problem is that you’re likely not a certified master plumber who can fix it the right way. And if you are, then congratulations and good luck on the fix!

For everyone else, the trick to this kind of work is not just figuring out what’s wrong with your toilet, but relaying that information to a pro. You might desperately require toilet repair service, but unless you can know when to call a professional plumber to tell them you need help, you might be in more trouble than you think.

This blog post is simple. We’ll talk about a few toilet problems you could be encountering, what’s going on with the system, and in short sections that you can point to when a professional comes to fix your toilet.

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What Exactly Is PVC?

Monday, October 11th, 2021

We know that a lot of homeowners haven’t had to deal with repiping or other plumbing issues aside from clogs in a while. We might be your go-to team to perform drain cleaning for your clogged drain in Cincinnati, but we’re a lot more than just a local drain cleaning company!

If your home has old pipes that need to be replaced, or pipes that keep getting clogged and aren’t constructed from the right material, then we can help. Our experienced team of plumbers has been repiping and retrofitting plumbing systems for decades, so we know what we’re talking about.

Today, we’d like to focus on one of the most well-known, affordable, and effective plumbing materials in the world—PVC. We’ll talk about why you’ve got PVC under your kitchen sink, what makes it worth investing in, and if it’s the right plumbing material for your home.

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